Lease Accounting Leadership
AccountLease™ is a new paradigm that brings together a team of CPAs, Commercial Real Estate Brokers, Lease Accounting Software Developers and Attorneys in a bundled service that provides a turnkey solution for the new lease accounting standards. Swenson Advisors is a full-service accounting and advisory firm with offices in San Diego and Murrieta, California. Cresa is the preeminent leader for real estate leasing globally, covering more than 200 locations in 40 countries. KSDT is one of the largest financial accounting, advisory and consulting firms in South Florida. Md7 is a turnkey site development and real estate optimization company serving the telecommunications industry since 2003. LeaseCrunch® provides a comprehensive, cloud-based software solution to help companies implement the new lease accounting standards, ASC 842 and IFRS 16. CFO for Hire, a division of BST & Co. CPAs, LLP, provides cost-efficient, outsourced financial consulting, management and accounting services throughout the Capital Region and New York State.